Since we import our product directly from the manufacturers, PowerRideOutlet able to provide you the best quality product with lowest price and our professional staff are stand by to help you pick the product to best fit your need. If you find a lower price with our competitors' website for the same brand and model during you purchasing decision will make, please contact us with our live chat or by phone, we will do the price match.

Please call (1-866-999-8412) for all Price Match Guarantee transactions.

The Price Match Guarantee does not apply to:

  • Offers that include shipping charge discounts, gift with purchase, services, financing, bundling of items, free items, pricing errors,  "Misprinted", mail-in offers and online only offers.
  • Items that are limited-quantity, out of stock, open-box, clearance, Outlet Center, refurbished/used, and items for sale Thanksgiving day through the Saturday after Thanksgiving
  • Advertisements that require a purchase in order to receive the advertised price or free product.
  • "Buy One / Get One Free" advertisements
  • Double or triple coupons or percent off advertisements
  • Competitor advertisements from outside of their web site.